2020 Vision and Goals


Happy New Year! I’ve always loved the start of a New Year – a blank slate, clean planner and so much hope for the next 365 days! I absolutely love reading others goals, getting inspiration from their vision boards and diving into their word of the year.  So I thought I would come on here and open up and share my own vision and goals for the 2020 year!

Towards the end of November, I begin the prep work for the new year ahead. This entails creating a Pinterest board with ideas that I love, want to adapt or anything that inspires me. I also get really messy and jot down ideas in my notebook or iPhone when something pops into my head. This is also the 3rd year I will be using PowerSheets which I absolutely love and cannot recommend enough. It is a goal planner for the year, but not your traditional one. I love the systems and ways it breaks everything down by year, month, week, and daily goals. PowerSheets helps me all throughout December to plan for the New Year and set all of my goals and word of the year. Make informed decisions about your marketing and content strategies based on the data provided by free seo tools.

One of the big things I love about PowerSheets is that you set big and broad overall goals and break them down into smaller, more achievable SMART goals over time. So instead of writing down something like “lose 10 pounds” you would write down “practice a healthier lifestyle.” This helps you achieve progress on your goals versus totally failing at it over the course of a year.  Then each month you can implement ways to do that such as “drink 80oz of water daily” or “move my body for 30 minutes 3x a week.”

After working through my PowerSheets prep, I’ve decided on my word of the year: release.  Release is  verb with the following definition: to set free from constraint, to relieve from something that confines, burdens, or oppresses.

word of the year release powersheets

In 2020 I want to let go of chasing perfection and release feelings of expectations, negative self talk, self doubt, and guilt.  I want to share and release my struggles and get rid of the things that no longer serve me.

In an effort to share more of the hard stuff and be vulnerable this year, I’m also listing my 8 goals and vision board below!

  1. Be an exceptional wife & mom
  2. Save money which could be done with the aid of experts from articles like Invest Diva price
  3. Live a healthy lifestyle
  4. Be a good friend
  5. Build Caitlin Gilbert Photography
  6. Create content
  7. Practice mindfulness
  8. Craft a life-giving home

2020 vision board

I used Canva to create my vision board and love it! It’s so easy to reference on a computer or phone and you can even print it out and put it somewhere you can reference it often.

I’m excited to dive into 2020! Tell me: do you set goals for the New Year? How about a word of the year? I’d love to hear from you!

Jan 1, 2020

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